When Your Commitment Pays Off

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary (online version) offers three simple definitions for the word commitment. One of these definitions is: “the attitude of someone who works very hard to do or support something.” The Cambridge English Dictionary (Cambridge Dictionaries Online) offers several definitions for the word commitment as well. The following definitions are included among them: “a willingness to give your time and energy to something that you believe in or a promise or firm decision to do something” and “something that you must do or deal with that takes time.” Although there are other definitions for the word commitment, the above definitions more clearly zero in on what I am writing/talking about here.

When you set out to do something, you form a plan and follow it through. This is especially true of long term goals. You have to be willing to work to achieve your goals. In other words, you have to be willing to make a commitment.

How did you decide on your program of study? What made you choose one career path over another? It is important to be able to answer these questions. Perhaps you have always known what you wanted to do. Maybe you know somebody who already works in your chosen field and this helped influence your decision. There are other ways to make career choices. For example, once you have narrowed things down, you can research the jobs that interest you the most. If you can “shadow” somebody or observe them for a day or two on the job, you might be able to see firsthand what the job entails. This technique allows you to become more aware of the different responsibilities and duties required for the job. Another way to find out if you are suited for a particular career is to look at what schooling you might need in order to be qualified to do the job. Pay particular attention to the course outline. Then ask yourself if you are willing to make the commitment necessary to earn your certificate or degree.

Susan 4-21I looked over the course outline for the enhanced Medical Coding and Billing Specialist program at USCI before I enrolled. I gave it close scrutiny and I thought long and hard about the commitment I was about to make. I knew that I would have to study and put in the time necessary to learn the material. If you work hard and keep at it you can achieve your goal(s). Commitment does lead to success. I completed my program!

The job of a medical coding and billing specialist requires dedication and commitment. If you opt for certification, you have to not only pass the original exam but also maintain your certification by taking CEUs (continuing education units). Like many careers, learning goes beyond your initial studies as things are constantly changing. You have to be willing to be flexible enough to allow for change.

Choosing a career path is a huge decision. Don’t take it lightly. Once you commit yourself to a certain area of study, be sure that this is something you really want to do. This is not the time to be indifferent. Things will go much easier if you are genuinely interested in the subject matter and invested in your program. If you are willing to make the commitment necessary to prepare for your future career, you will have a much greater chance for success. Remember that you will be pursuing work in this career and that it will require the same dedication and commitment as your studies.

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